Trinity Methodist Men
Our mission is to support spiritual growth among men, helping men to mature as disciples as they encourage spiritual formation in others.
We currently have 15 active members. We have a dinner meeting on the fourth Tuesday evening of each month including the September meeting that is combined with the Women’s Fellowship. Through fund raisers we provide support to the church by arranging to keep the grounds landscaped and support local mission projects such as help with meals for SECU House and feeding the homeless at Bethesda Center. We provide an annual Sweetheart Banquet in February with food and entertainment for the ladies of the church.
Why is men’s ministry important? |
- Men lead others best by modeling Jesus Christ in thoughts, words and deeds.
- Spiritual maturity is signified in spiritual reproduction, as the faith of mature disciples passes on in others.
- Men growing in Christ become effective spiritual leaders in their homes and congregations, working as partners with their spouses and congregational leaders-both lay and clergy.
- Spiritually growing men help congregations to become vital and alive.
- Everything desired from and through men comes as a result of men growing spiritually and maturing as disciples: family blessings, stewardship, service, outreach, prayer, spiritual leadership, lifestyle evangelism, and faithful obedience. Men are foundational to the life and health of the church.
- When a man lives daily in surrendered faith, God is honored and many lives are blessed. Transformed hearts are forged only within Christ-centered lives-nothing less is our acceptable offering; nothing less truly reveals Christ.
Ask Gary Pierce or call our office 336-765-0150 with questions.

Art Green sharing about the Friends Helping Friends ministry

UMM & UMW joint meeting